So many people asked me that question Saturday night!
But I felt like that because I attended the Fashion Breathes Life event at the Mint Museum uptown for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation! It’s a cause near and dear to my heart, that I’ve been involved with in some way over the past five or so years! If you’d like to get involved with an awesome organization, please ask me anything, and I’d love to chat with you about it!
Now back to the dress! 🙂
Do yall remember the HASHTAG NSALE MADNESS that happened last July when the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale was going on?! Where every blogger you knew was doing try-on sessions in the dressing rooms and saying “swipe up” more times than you could count?! (And I say that out of pure jealousy for not having the swipe up feature yet because I’m not popular enough) 😉
Well, as a joke, I did a try-on session myself, but picked some of the most hideous things I could find. I put them on my Insta-story (seriously, why aren’t you watching me embarrass myself on them daily), and had a good laugh at myself, as did everyone else watching!
I did end it with this one dress that was so gorgeous, it was legit calling my name…
“Mirandaaaaaaa, commmmmme pick me upppppp and try me onnnnnnn!”
So I did, and it was like it was made for me. Well, me if I was 10 inches taller (seriously, it was so long). But I had no where to wear it at the time, and let’s be honest, it’s not like I’m getting invited to a ton of black tie galas these days. So I hung it back up no matter how many DMs told me to buy it. It was $268 and although to some of you that’s not much (for a fancy dress), to me that’s A LOT. Especially for a dress that I might get to wear one day?!

Fast forward to getting invited to this CFF gala! I knew I had to find this beloved dress!!! But I had nothing more than a picture of me in it from my insta-story…no designer name, no tag, nothing. I knew it was navy and silver and floral with pockets. YES POCKETS LADIES!!! I asked Jessica and Kelley if they knew (since these women be shoppin’) who designed it and they went on a hunt. Alice found it within 2 minutes I think…world record timing if you ask me AND it was on Amazon (for $60 less)!!!
I went to order it, but got distracted and totally forgot (shocker)! Days later, I had a nagging feeling I was forgetting something! OH YEAH, ORDER THE FRICKING DRESS MIRANDA!!
I went back to Amazon to order it, and GUESS WHAT YALL?!
It was now $170!!!!!!! You know those moments in life where you think, “there MUST be a God?!” This was one of those for me 🙂 Because He’s busy dropping the prices of dresses in His spare time, obvi 😉
It arrived a week or so before the event, I tried it on, and then waited to hem it until two hours before the gala because I AM WHO I AM. But it got done like everything always does 🙂 In this dress, I felt pretty, and confident. You won’t hear that often come out of my mouth.

So who WAS I wearing?! Eliza J apparently!
And here’s the link if you’d like to get it too…
And it looks like pricing depends on the size? I was wearing a 10, which was $170 when I ordered it! Not sure what it is now? It also comes in three color combos, so look at all of them before you decide!