The time has come for the last gift guide from our quartet!!! So far you have received the WANT, the NEED, and the WEAR guides! Just in case you missed any of them, you can click on those links, and check them out!
I’m trying to watch the items as they sell out and find yall new things to replace them. I’m also trying to watch the prices and let yall know when something goes on a lightning deal, or drops in price dramatically. When that happens, I always announce it on my Instastories first. So if you aren’t following me there, that’s your first HUGE MISTAKE 😉
But this guide is all about the READ! We’re lucky that both of our minis LOVVVVVVVE to read, and it’s never been a chore to get them to read a book! Well, at first it was with Lilly, but that’s only because we didn’t know she couldn’t see. But then we got her glasses, and all of the sudden, she loved to read! #momfail (I still have some guilt about her eye situation, but that’s a story for another time).
Anyway, one of the girls’ four gifts that they get is a READ, and they can pick ANYTHING that involves reading! And they’ve gotten smarter over the years, from picking a single book, to a yearlong calendar, to a cookbook And two years ago, I think it was Bella who picked an American Girl magazine subscription, which was so smart, because it was the gift that gave all year long!
Or you can go high tech and do Kindles as your READ, since they’re made for storing e-books on them! Truly, the four gift rule, that I write about us following in this blog post, is up for your family’s interpretation. It’s a guideline and helps keep us in check! As always, you do you, boo!
Also I have to disclose this every time 🙂 I’m an Amazon affiliate, which means that at ZERO additional cost to you, I make a small commission from what you purchase through my links, should you buy anything via my blog! It’s the way that Amazon says “thank you” to me, and again, all of the pennies are appreciated! xoxoxo

- Rock Art Handbook I don’t know about your kiddos, but mine are super into the painting rocks movement, and leaving them places for people to find! This book has so many fun and creative ideas!
- The Science Book This book is from National Geographic and all about science, the world and how it works!
- Julie Andrews Home Work I love a memoir, and this is the latest from Julie Andrews, all about her later years in Hollywood! She also wrote a memoir about her home life and her earlier years in the business HERE.
- Cravings One of my favorite cookbooks of all time! I know yall can get recipes online, and I even have them for free on this site! HA! But there’s something about having a real cookbook to reference that I’ll never get sick of, and this is one I look at once a week, if not more! Her second cookbook is awesome too, and you can find it HERE!
- Magic Treehouse Our kids absolutely loved this entire series of books, and I think your kids will too! They read through them so quickly, that we eventually bought the series. This 28 book set is $75, so less than $3/book, which is a deal!
- What do you Meme? This game is HYSTERICAL! And definitely for mature audiences only 😉 Think Cards against humanity, etc. It’s your favorite memes, and you pick the best caption, so reading is involved…it’s basically educational LOL!
- PEOPLE Magazine This is one of those magazines that just about anyone would love to have, I feel like! I always want to read it when I go to the doctor’s office, ya know?! But I’d never get it for myself!
- Humans of New York If you know a big fan of the Instagram page @humansofny, they’d probably love this book, compiling many of the best-told stories. A second one was released HERE, and even a juniors one HERE.
- Unspirational Calendar This is one of those small 365 day calendars that is a hoot! Please click on the link and see some of the pages…it’s meant to be funny, just like the IG page!
- Raina Telgemeier Collection Another favorite series of our girls, and you get four books in one! These are books they read and reread every chance they can!
- WHY?! Another National Geographic book, with 1,111 answers to the question WHY? So if your child is constantly asking you “BUT, WHY?” maybe this book will help?! Doesn’t hurt to try 🙂
- Kindle Paperwhite I love a good real book in my hands as much as the next person, BUT there is something to be said about having a library of books at our fingertips on our Kindles too, and for our kiddos! These new ones are waterproof, have a ton of storage, are glare free, a single charge lasts weeks, and so much more!
- Magnolia Table If you know a Joanna Gaines fan, this is her latest cookbook, and it’s filled with her favorites!
- Highlights Magazine Who loved this magazine as much as I did?! My mom got this subscription for our girls when they were a bit younger, and they absolutely loved it! I highly recommend it as a read option!
- Elton John Another autobiography makes the list, and he’s said it’s his first and only one. This would be an awesome gift for a Rocketman fan in your life!
- Tomato Book That got your attention huh?! “I would love you even if you were a tomato” is the second book in this series written by Bucleigh Kernodle, and is such a cute children’s book! On Amazon, it’s available by preorder, BUT if you head to her website HERE, you can get it for the same price, and if you’re in Charlotte, she’ll deliver it with personalization for free! If you aren’t local, go ahead and order it on her website and pay for shipping to get it by Christmas! However her first book about a pickle IS available on Amazon prime HERE!
- Magnolia Journal This is the quarterly magazine that comes out from Chip and Joanna, so if you have a FIxer Upper fan on your list, this might be perfect!
That’s in on the READS! I hope this has given you some great ideas! Reads go beyond books…think calendars, cookbooks, magazines, games, journals, etc.! So many ways to incorporate reading, even a newspaper subscription…if you know someone who wants to get that still?!
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Great ideas!!!!
thank you!!! xo