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Best advice for a high school graduate?!

May 12, 2018

When I tell people that I coach high school JV cheerleading, I usually get the response, “You’re a SAINT! I could NEVER be around that many teenage girls and keep my sanity!” or something along those lines. Most people definitely…

One month kitty update!!!

February 12, 2018

Here’s the thing. I had my kids young, and was pregnant/had them before I was ever even contemplating being on social media. Thus, there were no “bumpdates,” countdown calendars, or posting from the delivery room. This also means there weren’t…

About Me

About Me

Hey Peeps!

I'm Miranda, and I'm formerly lots of things (I sold dumpsters, fro-yo, and car parts to name a few), but most recently I was a cakery owner of Got What It Cakes. I'm a mom of two daughters whom I call my "minis,” and the wife to Joshua, whom I call "Stud" (yes, he's even in my phone under that name). Most days you can find me oversharing about my insane life on my InstaStories, in a segment I call "carpool confessions." Follow along as I decide what to be when I grow up, while I navigate my other love, the queen city of Charlotte! I also tend to go by "Mayor Miranda," and am awaiting my key to the city ;) Read More

xo, Miranda


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